Upcoming Council Meetings
Explore our upcoming meetings and engage in the discussions that shape the future of education in our community. Your participation is integral to our collaborative efforts.
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Archive of Past Meetings
Catch up on valuable discussions, decisions, and insights from previous sessions.
Press Releases
Discover our latest initiatives, partnerships, and achievements through our press releases.
Success Stories and Impact Report
Explore the real impact of the WLC’s efforts by downloading our most recent Impact Report.
This report provides information about the extent to which students in our nine schools in the Wilmington Learning Collaborative have access to four key resources at the heart of high-quality academic experiences.
Our process for gathering this data includes collecting assignments and student work samples, observing teachers, surveying students in grades 3-8 every day for three days, and surveying teachers about their expectations for students.
Reports and Board Documents
As a publicly funded educational nonprofit organization, the Wilmington Learning Collaborative is committed to transparency.